We launched Rupee a Day is a simple, affordable and empowering way to support underprivileged people. The goal was to build something small that could have a big impact. We hoped that Rupee a Day would grow organically – fuelled by people sharing it with their friends. To most of us, a donation of a rupee a day will not impact our day-to-day living and although you may not feel that a donation of a rupee a day is enough to make a significant impact, the power of a rupee is really quite amazing!

For a family

“A Rupee a day can feed an entire family for a week.”

For polio vaccine

“A rupee a day can buy a polio vaccine.”

For child’s blindness

“For the cost of a latte, you can cure a child’s blindness.”

They’re incredibly effective, but it’s important to understand WHY they’re effective. It’s not the words themselves, but the strategy behind them. When we say one rupee for a social cause, we don’t mean it has to literally be a single rupee, but it does have to be some small amount people can wrap their heads around.

Imagine this:

•  With just 500 donations of a rupee a day, we can provide milk for the ENTIRE preschool program for an ENTIRE year.
• With just 180 donations, we can provide diapers for the ENTIRE infant program for an ENTIRE year.
• If just 50 people find it in their hearts to spare ONE rupee a day, we could provide a year’s worth of meals for all of the children at one of the five shelters.
• When hundreds of people give a small amount, the world benefits.


Make a commitment to donate a rupee a day through our automated payment system and be the part of helping us to fulfill the requirements of needy people.

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